News Flash – Monday 13th January 2025


Two Acting Attorney Generals Since David Ballantyne’s Resignation

It seemed to come as surprise to all but a few when Attorney General David Ballantyne announced his resignation, 4 months before the end of his 2-year contract, at Legislative Council on 6th December.

In the SH Government Gazette, it was announced a replacement had been appointed from 7th December.  That was Matthew James, the crown counsel on Ascension who took over in an Acting capacity.

Thirteen days later Sara McIlroy (a crown counsel for St Helena) replaced Matthew James, but only until 6th January.  Sara Mcilroy was to spend 17 days in the job, over Christmas and New Year, and then Matthew James was re-appointed on 6th January.  His appointment will continue until 7th February – one whole month.

Matthew James

Introducing Judge Malcolm Simmons

Judge Simmons has been appointed as acting Judge of the Supreme Court of St Helena.  The appointment by the Governor, on the recommendation of the Chief Justice Rupert Jones, was made on 20th December and is for 2 years.

Judge Simmons has been appointed as acting Judge of the Supreme Court of St Helena.  The appointment by the Governor, on the recommendation of the Chief Justice Rupert Jones, was made on 20th December and is for 2 years.

Judge Simmons has been resident judge in the Falkands since February 2022.

Cape to St Helena Yacht Race Trophies Presented Last Friday

It was a celebratory and very friendly occasion on Friday when Governor Philips presented the trophies to the winning crews in the Cape to St Helena yacht race.  Line honours went to the crew of Atalanta who were first over the finish line on Tuesday, 7th January.  The second crew to cross the finish line brought in Flica less than 2 hours later.  Flica won the prize as the winner based on handicap.

The Halling family crewed Magic Dragon.  Rod and Jane Halling with Dorothy, age 12, and twins Peter and Vera age 7, won the cup presented to the best family crew. 

The commodore of the St Helena Yacht Club is presented with a commemorative plaque by Dave Garrard, vice commodore of the Royal Cape Yacht Club.

Commemorative plaques were presented to the captains of all yachts in the race.  A plaque was also presented by Dave Garrard, vice commodore of the Royal Cape Yacht Club, to Governor Philips on behalf of the Royal Cape YC.

Six members of the Royal Cape YC received national awards at the most recent International Council of Yacht Clubs presentation in August last year.  Kerry Pryde, RCYC events manager, received the STAN JEFFREY TROPHY.  The award presented to the Administrator of the Year, honouring her exceptional contributions to the administration of sailing.

Kerry is responsible for organizing 20 distinct sailing events annually, including three offshore races and one international event (Cape to St. Helena).  Kerry accompanied Dave Garrard and his wife to St Helena for the finish of the Cape to St Helena race.

Financial Aid Mission Draws to a Close with a £16 million Proposal from St Helena’s Ministers

A press conference was held on Friday for the final day of the visit from Financial Aid Mission (FAM).  Led by Adam Pile, the deputy director for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Overseas Territory directorate, who was making his 4th visit to St Helena.

FCDO asked SHG to present three options for the budget starting on 1st April – 3% more, 3% less and a variation of those.  SHG ministers decided to present a 4th option, called a zero-based budget.  This budget starts with nothing and every spend item is built up, point by point, with a justification for the need to spend the money.  Every Portfolio Director presented a range of detailed papers which explained why the money is needed.  The final budget total turned out to be £16 million more than this year’s budget.

While the FAM visit is very important to St Helena, it is the biggest opportunity to explain to FCDO what financial aid in needed and why, it is just one step in a long and complicated process.  No decisions are made right now.  The information gathered is taken back by the FAM team to be included with other several scenarios which influence the final decision by UK ministers.

Adam Pile (right) responds to a question at last Friday’s press conference

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